
寶萊塢優質男孩 Imran Khan 於2010/01/16與他愛情長跑的女朋友Avantika Malik訂婚囉!! GypsyGirl在此就祝福他們這對新人囉

消息指出,這小倆口的愛情長跑也有五年了, 而 Avantika Malik 在大學時期的男友可是 Ranbir Kapoor喔....







Imran Khan給未婚妻的訂婚禮物為福斯2010年新款紅色金龜車 ( Volkswagen Beetle )

車牌的號碼是由小倆口的生日組合而成 Avantika 看到時也高興的說不出話來.

'' Imran and Avantika also have matching number plates on their cars, hereveals, “Both of our license plates are a combination of her and mybirthdates. She totally freaked out. She couldn’t believe it.”



Imran says, “I knew that Avantika had always wanted this car, even sixyears back when we were studying in the US. So, I just knew that I hadto buy one for her and this occasion was just the perfect excuse. Sincethe car has just launched, I had to convince the top bosses to let mehave one, way before it actually hits the roads in a few months time.That took quite an effort. But her smile made it all worth it.”

Imran 說: 六年前當我們還在美國就讀大學時,我就已知道Avantika一直想要一台金龜車. 所以借由這次的訂婚, 我想這是個再好不過的送禮理由了. 而這台車也才剛發表不久, 所以在未上市之前花了我好幾個月的時間說服我的上司讓我選購這台車給Avantika. 雖然這是一項蠻難逹成的任務. 但從她臉上看到的笑容, 我想的確是值得的.



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