Barbara Mori’s 12-year-old son Sergio will soon hit the big screen in a Mexican film, with his mommy.
Barbara Mori 12歲的兒子 Sergio 很快的會與他媽咪一起在墨西哥的大螢幕露面
The movie is being produced by Barbara’s production house.
片子是由Barbara 的製片公司所發行的
After having shot her first Bollywood movie Kites, the actress now plans to concentrate on her regional films, rather than on Hollywood .
自從Bollywood的處女作Kites後, Barbara 寧願不選擇Hollywood而考慮以她熟悉的區城性片子為主軸
A source reveals that, Sergio is quite excited to face the camera.
消息指出, Sergio 是很期待也很興奮面對鏡頭
“Sergio has been on the movie sets from quite an early age. He is looking forward to shooting with his mom.”
" Sergio 自小就有在電影中演出. 而他也很期待與媽咪一同入鏡."
Sergio plays Barbara’s son in the film. The movie is about a single mother finding love, late in her life. It will showcase the mother-son bond between the two.
同樣的Sergio 在片中也是Barbara的兒子. 電影的故事是關於一個單親媽媽在年過三十後尋找真愛. 這將會展現母子間的最真實的一面.
However, this isn’t the first time Barbara and Sergio will be facing the camera together. The two have previously done a commercial shoot for the global ‘Got Milk’ campaign.
無論如何, 這部片並不是母子間的第一次合作. 早期他們就有代言廣告為全球性的"Got Milk"作活動
來看看這部廣告的幕後花序吧 ( 廣告一時間還找不到 ORZ )
美國知名牛奶公益團體body by milk經常請來大明星喝完牛奶後,在嘴唇上故意留下牛奶鬍子,
然後拍攝成平面廣告,而海報標題就叫「got milk?」,藉此宣傳大眾喝牛奶。
Hayden Penettiere ( 海蒂 潘妮迪亞 ) ↓
哈 連黃金甲都來參一腳
Oh ya? Oh I happen to know that milk helps build strong bones. So drink up!
Mr. Miller told me he never drinks milk. Look at him!
看來我明天開始要天天喝牛奶了....= =''
不過賈斯汀喝牛奶的方式是不良示範 別給孩子看到了